
The SADCs and CAEs are proud to join forces to offer the entrepreneurs of the various regions of Quebec such a comprehensive guide as Road to Entrepreneurship. This tool full of resources could not have taken shape without their shared vision and their desire to make things move.


United for a common cause

The SADCs and CAEs have the same goal: helping entrepreneurs with personalized support services and locally managed investment funds. Their strength? Developing an effective network that shares the same values.

The members of the SADCs and CAEs of Quebec listen to the people in their community, understand their reality, and truly want to make a difference in their projects

Services tailored to our regions

Each region of Quebec is unique. Each one has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, which is why the services offered by the SADCs and CAEs differ from one region to the next. Attentive to the real needs of their community, they know how to observe and adapt to develop custom solutions.

To learn more about the different resources offered in your region, we invite you to consult our directory. There, you will easily find all the SADCs and CAEs in the network.

To learn more about the services offered by the SADCs and CAEs in Quebec, visit SADC-CAE – Services.